This seems to be a major hub for commodities like Processed Food, Helium, and Hydrogen. It indicates a diverse economy that can cater to both basic needs and more specialized resources.
To Everus Harbor (Processed Food): 12 minutes, 301 SCU.
To Terra Gateway (Helium): 18 minutes, 522 SCU.
To New Babbage TDD (Hephaestanite): 16 minutes, 320 SCU.
Specializing in the trade of Helium and Hydrogen, this location appears to be key for obtaining these essential gases, which could be used for various purposes like fuel or industrial processes.
To Baijini Point (Hydrogen): 11 minutes, 610 SCU.
To New Babbage TDD (Hephaestanite): 16 minutes, 387 SCU.
To Lorville CBD (Hephaestanite): 16 minutes, 356 SCU.
Known for trading in Processed Food and Iron, it plays a critical role in the supply chain of basic materials and consumables.
To Baijini Point (Iron): 12 minutes, 120 SCU.
To Terra Gateway (Iron): 11 minutes, 454 SCU.
Trades in Gold, indicating a role in the luxury or high-value goods market.
To Area 18 TDD (Gold): 19 minutes, 301 SCU.
Known for Recycled Material Composite, it appears to be a center for recycling and waste management.
To Orison TDD (Recycled Material Composite): 17 minutes, 284 SCU.
To New Babbage TDD (Recycled Material Composite): 18 minutes, 508 SCU.
To Lorville CBD (Recycled Material Composite): 16 minutes, 423 SCU.
Another point for Recycled Material Composite, further emphasizing the game's focus on recycling and sustainable resource management.
To Orison TDD (Recycled Material Composite): 17 minutes, 257 SCU.
To Lorville CBD (Recycled Material Composite): 16 minutes, 448 SCU.
Deals with Helium and Hydrogen, similar to Terra Gateway, suggesting a role in energy or fuel production.
To Baijini Point (Helium): 18 minutes, 522 SCU.
To Baijini Point (Hydrogen): 18 minutes, 616 SCU.
Known for Medical Supplies, indicating its importance in healthcare and survival aspects of the game.
To ARC-L1 (Medical Supplies): 14 minutes, 87 SCU.
These locations deal in high-value minerals like Diamond and Laranite, indicating a focus on mining and resource extraction.
To Area 18 TDD (Diamond): 16 minutes, 341 SCU.
These locations deal in high-value minerals like Diamond and Laranite, indicating a focus on mining and resource extraction.
To Area 18 TDD (Laranite): 16 minutes, 360 SCU.
Specializing in Processed Food, this might be an agricultural center or a food processing location.
To Everus Harbor (Processed Food): 12 minutes, 424 SCU.
These routes involve various commodities like Recycled Material Composite, Beryl, Agricium, Diamond, and Copper, highlighting diverse trading options ranging from recycling to mining.
From Dunboro (Recycled Material Composite): 16 minutes, 359 SCU.
From Rayari Deltana (Diamond): 16 minutes, 486 SCU.
From Shubin SAL-5 (Beryl): 18 minutes, 258 SCU.
From ArcCorp 141 (Agricium): 16 minutes, 361 SCU.
Trading in commodities like Diamond and Copper, these locations further emphasize the game's focus on mining and resource extraction.
From HDMS-Perlman (Diamond): 16 minutes, 638 SCU.
From Shubin SCD-1 (Copper): 18 minutes, 405 SCU.
This list provides a snapshot of the trade dynamics in "Star Citizen," showcasing the variety of commodities traded and the different locations involved. As "Star Citizen" is an evolving game, these trade routes and their details may change over time.